Sunday, October 23, 2011

My First Post!

Hello Everyone. This is my first blog, and well first post in the blog. So, i have made this blog to point out ways to help producers, mixers, remixers, DJ's, and anyone who is interested in producing or mixing music better themselves. Im not saying i have have tons of experience, or that i know everything about music production, but i thought i would be neat to have a place for people to go for tips, hints, help, and links to useful information involving music!

So If you have anything you'd like me to talk about, feel free to comment!


  1. Congrats on starting your blog and on your first few posts, Joe! I don't know enough about mixing music, VST's etc. to add much to the conversation--YET. But that's exactly why I've just Followed your blog and will look forward to your posts -- so I can learn more from the expert. :)

    Good luck and have fun!

    -Mike Shollenmerber aka @webjock on Twitter aka (e)WEBJOCK on Empire Avenue

  2. thank you! ill keep the posts coming :)
